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Jan 29th 2022
THREAD on DUTIES: I do approx. 13 duties per week. Mostly in the canteen. With a reasonable AHT teaching timetable on top, I have a vested interest in not using my voice too much and certainly not shouting. So here’s a thread with some tips for any less seasoned duty staff /#ECT
A lot of these are mentioned as good in-classroom techniques by @DougLemov , e.g. ‘radar’ ‘be seen looking’ ‘least invasive intervention’ but I shall summarise them here in my own words as pertains to my (secondary) school canteen…
1. POSITION - have a couple of default high-visibility positions, where you can see as much of the space as possible. For me this is often near the door so I can see in + out of the canteen, or further into the room with max visibility.
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