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Mar 25th 2021
It's Nelson ๐Ÿท

Nelson is one of our very big & beautiful boars. He's a few metres long & around a metre high.

Most pigs will never make it to Nelson's size. Commercial, large breed pigs are often very poorly bred & often inbred. They are not bred for longevity ๐Ÿ‘‡
Their lives only designed to be short lived before slaughter or just a few years of breeding & then they are past their best.

It's a cruel & ruthless world to be born into.

And in such a twist of fate the only reason that Nelson is alive today is because he was ๐Ÿ‘‡
Seized from starvation at an illegal slaughterhouse.

Who knows what life we will land.

Can you imagine being born into a cold, harsh environment in a factory farm, where your life purpose is to be violently slaughtered.

We have nearly 100 pigs here at the sanctuary ๐Ÿ‘‡
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