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Apr 26th 2021
This great big pig (the one on the right! ๐Ÿ˜‚) is Gandalf ๐Ÿ˜

He is huge! A few metres long and over a metre in height.

He's one of the #53pigs entire boars.

He was rescued from an illegal slaughterhouse in Wales.

Where he was starved and treated brutally.

To survive.....๐Ÿ‘‡
To survive he ate the entrails of others, cannibalised, ate bits of cars...all to stay alive! (he's in the picture below, can you see him?)

The slaughterhouse was raided by authorities, all of the animals removed. But the #53pigs were taken to a Defra Isolation Unit....๐Ÿ‘‡
They were instantly condemned, a court order was served on them.

The order was a destruction order. They were a 'public health' risk, unfit for human consumption. They were labled as diseased due to eating other beings, causing a zoonotic disease...TSE, a swine version of BSE๐Ÿ‘‡
Read 7 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
A thread

This image is disgusting & lets face it it is something from hell. Live pigs walking among dead sheep waiting to be killed.

The arrow points to one of the rescued #53Pigs .This is thought to be Gandalf who is still terrified of humans.

Please read on...
Every day we are posting out this incredible story because it needs to be seen and held up as a wonderful victory, in all that we fight to end.

Rescuing a total of 91 pigs is not something small.

What Sasha @BTWsanctuary has done is HUGE
Right now as I type this Sasha will be either lugging straw, gallons of water or bags of feed.

Each day the same & relentless. An average of 18 hours a day for the next 15 yrs or more.

She even makes time to try to get to know each one.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Squidgy is a #slaughterhouse survivor.

He was terrified of human contact. He'd run, screaming in anticipation of pain if I got too close.

He is a #victim, we must support the #victims of animal agriculture.

We took 91 abused pigs from this cruelty case.

Become a #pigoneer ๐Ÿท
Squidgy lived here ๐Ÿ‘‡

He walked amongst the dead, eating what he could find to survive.

His friends and family violently slaughtered in front of him.

But now he and the other 90 pigs are safe.

To keep him safe we need you! We need you and your friends to become #pigoneers!
To become a #pigoneer is simple and a small gesture of ยฃ2.50 per month. Many #pigoneers can feed this whole herd of what were abused pigs. Every pig in the image above, 91 in total is safe here @BTWsanctuary

Join today to keep their future safe -โ€ฆ
Read 3 tweets
Mar 28th 2021
People are probably wondering what this #Pigoneer thing is all about?

So this thread will explain.

Please read ๐Ÿ‘‡
A year ago a very brave woman with a small sanctuary heard about a pig farm in Wales & an extreme cruelty case with an illegal slaughter house.

Here is one of the disgusting images.
She started a campaign called the #53Pigs because there were 53 pigs still alive in this hell hole.

Eating the remains of others and even car parts to survive.

At this time she did not know that 6 sows were carrying piglets.

Here are two terrified in a corner waiting to die
Read 8 tweets
Mar 27th 2021
Morning! it's Snouty Saturday! ๐Ÿฝ

One of the #53pigs having a lazy morning in his special piggy barn.

He's safe, loved, warm and cosy which is simply what we all need and want. No matter what species we are.

This little guy was just a piglet when ๐Ÿ‘‡โ€ฆ
he was seized from the illegal slaughterhouse at Bramble Hall Farm.

He then spent the first 9 months of his life in a Defra Isolation Unit under a court disease destruction order.

But after a legal battle he was allowed to come and live here at the sanctuary along with ๐Ÿ‘‡
all the other #53pigs and #53piglets under a special disease restriction license.

We have nearly 100 pigs at the sanctuary. And like many we have had a very difficult year.

Please help us to create a safe, reliable feed fund to help pay the ยฃ1000 per week pig feed costs ๐Ÿ‘‡
Read 4 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
It's Nelson ๐Ÿท

Nelson is one of our very big & beautiful boars. He's a few metres long & around a metre high.

Most pigs will never make it to Nelson's size. Commercial, large breed pigs are often very poorly bred & often inbred. They are not bred for longevity ๐Ÿ‘‡
Their lives only designed to be short lived before slaughter or just a few years of breeding & then they are past their best.

It's a cruel & ruthless world to be born into.

And in such a twist of fate the only reason that Nelson is alive today is because he was ๐Ÿ‘‡
Seized from starvation at an illegal slaughterhouse.

Who knows what life we will land.

Can you imagine being born into a cold, harsh environment in a factory farm, where your life purpose is to be violently slaughtered.

We have nearly 100 pigs here at the sanctuary ๐Ÿ‘‡
Read 4 tweets
Mar 22nd 2021
This is 30 of the #53pigs. These pigs are so incredibly lucky! They have made it through the following challenges on their lives -
๐Ÿ–Starvation in an illegal slaughterhouse
๐Ÿ–Avoiding slaughter in a illegal slaughterhouse
๐Ÿ–Defra Disease Destruction Order
๐Ÿ–Too aggressive ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ– Too aggressive, unsafe to live
๐Ÿ– In agreement with Defra, pigs must not be moved again.
๐Ÿ– Land & facility we use withdrawn and our notice given.
๐Ÿ– A risk Defra would insist on slaughter rather than allowing us to relocate them.
๐Ÿ– The only option acceptable to Defra is ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿ– for them to be relocated to our own land. But we have only a little land & no facilities.
๐Ÿ– Urgent large scale fencing, temporary set up & start of ground works & barn build!
๐Ÿท Defra sign off temporary set up! The pigs come home to the sanctuaries own land! ๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ– Boars ๐Ÿ‘‡
Read 7 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
Dear vegans

A thread.

Every day we fight to end animal suffering.

Meat eaters say โ€˜but if we did not eat animals we would either be overrun or they would go extinct. We know this story.
So what is the reality?

We know they would no longer be bred and supply would go down.
But what of those who are left and those who are rescued and taken to safety?
Read 11 tweets
Aug 7th 2019
I run this sanctuary, I don't go out, I don't go on holiday, I don't have a day off, I don't buy luxury items, I did buy a gift for someones 50th Birthday, from my own money. I also use my own money to support the sanctuary, thousands of pounds over the years. I live in a caravan
I don't even have a proper toilet. Only I have access to sanctuary funds. Our Patron, has his own money that he uses to live his own life. I don't send DMs asking people to donate, I don't tweet disrespectful tweets, I have no control over what other people say or tweet.
I am incredibly grateful to everyone that supports, donates, likes or retweets. Amazing people that offer their support, both to the Sanctuary & to me personally. We do everything we can to save as many animals as possible and to advocate for veganism. We will continue to do so.
Read 5 tweets

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