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Oct 28th 2020
Every era has its prisoners.

Ours, the children in poverty, like caged Canaries
and Coal Miners.

The news last week refreshed the betrayal of poverty hanging over the lives of so many.

Including my own memories from my early teens.


When I can’t place those inchoate feelings, I open my kitchen cupboards.

I witness some effects of hoarding tin cans like tiny soldiers.

Standing straight and facing forward.

A sigh of relief.

This story belongs to many.


Warping back to those bare walls in a soup kitchen, lifeless conversations, long stares and whispers.

It’s not homelessness, but it’s not comfortable living.

You live penny to penny with half-a-foot outside your door.


Read 17 tweets
Oct 17th 2018
On this day in history, over a thousand people gathered in Paris to honor the victims of extreme poverty, violence, and hunger. Poverty is a violation of human rights and we need to come together to ensure that these rights are respected. #EndPovertyDay Image
At Oando, we have taken and will continue to take actionable steps towards eradicating poverty as well as empowering people to do so.

Here are some of the steps we have taken so far. (follow the thread) #EndPovertyDay
Access to Education - @OandoFoundation is constantly working with key stakeholders to mobilize and support out-of- school children. Over 46,000 children have been enrolled to date. #EndPovertyDay
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