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Apr 13th 2019
The first part to #Branding a.k.a #ExternalBranding , is a set of identifiable features of a product, service, company or any entity. It is how a "brand" wants you to see it. #thread
The second part of #Branding is how a critical mass of consumers (The #TargetAudience ) experience the brand. The goal of a wise company is to narrow the gap between how it sees itself and how its publics see it.
This is the #OlumoRock definition of branding. You dress like a gentleman then act like a ruffian...#nomatch! You post like a kind person then act in an unkindly manner...#nomatch. You promise 24/7 power supply then give 1/7 power supply...#nomatch @threadreaderapp pls unroll
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