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Mar 24th 2021
Who is actually robbing God?.. BOWEN UNIVERSITY N650,000 per semester COVENANT UNIVERSITY N640,000 per semester BENSON IDAHOSA N500,000 per semester BABCOCK UNIVERSITY N450,000 per semester REDEEMERS UNIVERSITY N450,000 per semester AJAYI CROWTHER UNIVERSITY N350,000 per semester
MADONNA UNIVERSITY N350,000 per semester. All these UNIVERSITIES were built from TITHES and OFFERINGS of the common people who now can't afford to send their children to these schools today. Where is the morals and responsibilities of the churches as charity in Nigeria?
Read 11 tweets
Apr 17th 2020…

Because this article was put up behind a paywall I choose to respond here:

I'd like to start off by thanking those who signed this letter for their years of service to Progressive causes, but let me outline why/how I disagree with you. 1/
While I believe your intentions are good, like everything about your generation they are flawed. Flawed by even your lifetime of experience with dealing with matters of govt. Let me explain: Had I been born when you were born, I would likely be afraid of Trump too. 2/
While Donald Trump hasn't been an ideal President in any way, think about how he got to office. He was the #DemocratCorporation's candidate @HillaryClinton's #PiedPiper candidate. He had no expectation that he'd actually win. & Why should he have?
Read 65 tweets

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