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Apr 16th 2022
It’s Semi-Final day in the 150th year of the FA Cup #FACup150
Although it’s the 140th competition due to 10 years without the Cup during the wars…
Most Semi-Finals:
3️⃣0️⃣ #Arsenal & #ManchesterUnited
and fittingly neither of them are there this weekend
1/8 🧵
It’s Semi-Final day in the 150th year of the FA Cup #FACup150
It’s Liverpool’s 25th Semi-Final today; (21 post-war)
The Reds have won their last FIVE in this competition (92, 96, 2001, 2006, 2012). 10yrs since their last semi is the longest gap since 1963 #MCILIV
It’s Semi-Final day in the 150th year of the FA Cup #FACup150
It’s Manchester City’s 17th Semi and remarkably they’ve only lost FIVE, winning 8 on the trot between 1933-2013.
Less good news:
They’ve lost 3 of their last 4 before today: 2017, 2020 & 2021.
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