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In our pursuit to keep Kenyans safe, NPS officers were engaged in various law enforcement duties throughout the weekend.

Taking cognizance of the nexus between serious and petty crime's ultimate impact on national development, petty offense violators were apprehended to ImageImage
keep our communities safe and secure.

Among the various offenses detected were dealing in illicit and prohibited brews, contraband alcoholic drinks, drug trafficking among other offences.

We urge the public, and especially the youth, to desist from engaging in such
vices to avoid contravening the law.

We appeal to members of the public, in the spirit of community policing, to continue sharing information with security agencies to make our neighborhood safe and secure. ImageImageImage
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Suspect Who Poisoned His Wife Behind Bars

Detectives have arrested a 28-year-old man who poisoned two women including his wife on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 and fled leaving their lifeless bodies sprawled on the floor.
In yet another cold blooded murder involving fighting couples
Sebastian Kamande, 28, served poisoned food to his wife Rahab Gathoni and her friend Abigael Gathoni, who had come visiting, before fleeing their Dandora home. The incident was reported to DCI via #Fichua and detectives immediately swung into action. As the investigators drawn
from Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau (CRIB), DCI Nairobi Regional headquarters and Dandora closed in on him at his hideout in Dandora, the suspect escaped the dragnet throwing a spanner in the works of the investigators.Determined to bring the suspect to justice, the
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Residents living along the Lamu seafront were treated to a dramatic spectacle yesterday, pitting a drug peddler against police officers based in Lamu island. This is after the peddler a known ex convict who was also carrying panga, resisted arrest and plunged into the sea!
Two of the cops whom #Fichua later learnt that they grew up along the banks of river Nzoia, also dived into the sea, in a spirited aquatic battle to arrest the notorious drug dealer. Their experience swimming across the flooded river while growing up, came in handy.
What followed was a dramatic chase in the stormy sea waters, as the peddler swum towards the deep sea to evade arrest and the determined officers battled the currents closely behind. In a scene lasting about 30 minutes, the thug who would occasionally disappear under the water
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