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Jun 11th 2021
“My homeownership journey started with just a thought in 2012 because after paying rent since 2006 I realized that paying someone else’s mortgage was not helping me progress financially for my future. /1 #bospoli #mapoli #firstgenhome #firstgenfriday #blackwomenimpact
Since being on my own financially at 17,I’ve been very conscious of how to spend $ and living on a budget.Once I started paying rent, other…bills I started a spreadsheet and would record my net income and subtract my bills for each pay period./2 #blackwomenimpact #firstgenfriday
In 2013 I came across MAHA’s website and took the first-time home buyer classes, got educated on the process and realized I had to work on my financial situation first. /3 #firstgenfriday #blackwomenimpact #firstgenhome
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