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Jun 7th 2020
@YaliAbuja @AtomicBettyBA
There is no food without a seed @SeedCouncil has the responsibility of ensuring farmers get not only the right seeds, but safe seeds for cultivation especially in this era of food insecurity when seeds companies are desperate #FoodSafety
@YaliAbuja @AtomicBettyBA @SeedCouncil #WorldFoodSafetyDay
According to the @FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, "whether you are a farmer, farm supplier, food processor, transporter, marketer or consumer, food safety is your business. "There is no food security without food safety." #FoodSafety
@YaliAbuja @AtomicBettyBA @SeedCouncil @FAO #WorldFoodSafetyDay Agencies responsible:
Federal Ministry of Health
National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON)National Codex Committee Federal Ministry of Agriculture
States and Local Governments & @ONconsumer
Read 12 tweets
Jun 7th 2020
@YaliAbuja The National Orientation Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture, the donors, private sector actors - seed companies, manufacturers/fabricators of food processing equipment as well as the CONSUMERS must be involved in the process of ensuring #FoodSafety #WorldFoodSafetyDay
@YaliAbuja There is urgent need for advocacy in rural area they const.abt 60% our population @SeedCouncil must ensure they protect smallholder farmers, ensure they adopt Good Agronomy Practice (GAP) for this is the foundation of #FoodSafety #WorldFoodSafetyDay #FoodSafetyEveryonesBusiness
@YaliAbuja @AtomicBettyBA
#WorldFoodSafetyDay Strategic effort shld be adopted to address these interwoven problems of health and economy, foreign and domestic, will be required to truly get at the heart of the #FoodSafety issue Local, national, regional, and international partners
Read 9 tweets

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