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Feb 2nd 2021
Little techart breakdown of our #GGJ21 game Abyssal Plains 👇

you can play it here

#gamedev #techart #shaders #GameJamWithHoudini Image
The terrain was made in Houdini with heightfields. Cluster node to split each biome, then use each cluster as a mask to set different noise settings per biome. Polyexpand2d on each cluster to create the breaches mask.

#gamedev #Houdini #GameJamWithHoudini ImageImage
I also used Houdini to scatter the props on the terrain, only exporting points as .csv ( using Labs CSV Exporter ) then wrote a tiny script to import them in Unity and spawn the prefabs instances on them.

#gamedev #Houdini #GameJamWithHoudini ImageImage
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