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Mar 1st 2020
#DelhiRiots2020 #Delhi Only in India - all MSM can see/ talk/ interview Taher Hussain but Police can't. The preponderance of the evidence is mind-boggling - why didn't the DP pick him up while he was giving the "I am innocent" interviews? #Disgusting
And GST will be on the "fact-finding" committee of Congress, going around asking people if they are safe but no one in the media will ask him to explain his actions in the Sunanda (now deemed murder) death. His PS who called him and said, "it is done" will also not be questioned.
#DelhiPolice But the one Commissioner who ordered a vigilance inquiry into his own dept on how they deliberately botched the Sunanda murder case evidence gets promoted to Director CBI and then unceremoniously sacked to help a "Gujarat cadre" IPS officer.
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Feb 13th 2020
"Excluded, Inside the Lines" exhibit at the @winglukemuseum. Takes a deeper look at our history when discriminatory practices and laws - redlining - were used to exclude the Black community (+other communities of color) from accessing housing in many parts of Seattle. #BHM2020
"The exhibit includes personal stories of Seattleites who have faced housing discrimination in the past or are currently affected by gentrification. It also features maps and timelines that reveal how redlining has influenced what the city looks like today.
...maps of Seattle’s demographic distribution today look very much like demographic maps of the 1940s, when the practice of redlining and discriminatory housing practices limited homeowners of color to certain segments of the city."
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