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Mar 10th 2023
This Burj in village #Ghungrana of #Ludhiana is the remnant of a #fortress which existed at the spot. This tower marks the spot where #Metcalf was given the first audience by #MaharajaRanjitSingh in 1804. The fortress was destroyed by the #English, somewhere in 1849-50,#Punjab
As per Lepel H. Griffin
#MaharajahRanjitSingh marched by way of Ambala to Naraingarh, a strong fort held by Kour Kishan Singh, which he invested.For nearly three weeks it held out, and in one of the assaults, Sirdar Fatah Singh,Kalianwala, one of Ranjit Singh's bravest Generals๐Ÿ‘‡
was mortally wounded. After the capture of the place, it was conferred with its surrounding villages on
Sirdar Fatah Singh Ahluwalia, the estate being valued at Rs. 12,580 a year.
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