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May 22nd 2020
The good work by Governments doesn’t get recognized often. Here are some of my observations. Please add yours

Amazing work by @gokRDPR
The preparedness of the RDPR including GPTF to combat #covid19 is amazing.
Congratulations @lkatheeq @readingkafka and team.
The response by @DHFWKA @Comm_dhfwka @iaspankajpandey @BBMPCOMM ensured that Bengaluru is least affected when other major cities in India are having higher burden. Bengaluru’ has emerged as a clear leader in #COVID19India response. #goodworkofGovts
The Andhrapradesh response seems to be much under appreciated. Leadership of @RameshPV2010 Mr Jawahar Reddy has ensured AP to mount one of the best response in short time; syndromic surveillance, enhanced testing, mobilization of volunteers & better containment: #goodworkofGovts
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