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Most recents (2)

Sep 9th 2021
If I ran out of gas in front of Chevron, I'd push my car to the next service station.
(Psst.. Balance of Nature is now sponsoring Tucker Carlson) Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
When I saw Chuck Woolery's VERY hateful Tweets and knew his ad was on #GSN, I notified the network. #GSN ignored me, so I contacted every single #GSN host and told them they agreed by proxy. Bye, Chuck!
Yesterday WE CRASHED the abortion rat line!
WE have A LOT more work to do.
To those who say Twitter is just screaming into a void.? You're wrong(imo). WE are helping to save America from Fascism. You think Biden can do this, alone? I don't know about that..
Nice guy, huh?
Read 14 tweets

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