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Dec 18th 2020
Last Minute Irish Gifts!

This GIFT GUIDE will help you find beautiful & meaningful presents made with love, for the people you love! Take a look!

Support Irish artists this Christmas. Make sure you order ASAP to ensure delivery for the Holidays!
Carve On designs & makes stylish leather goods in their Kildare workshop. They use the finest Italian leather & traditional Irish skills to create utterly desirable bags & goods. Visit: #MadeInIreland
My original drawings are about joy, hope & love & celebrate the natural & subconscious worlds.

For Ireland when you buy a work, you can choose a second free. Just msg me with your 2nd one to include it!

Read 25 tweets
Dec 17th 2020
This GIFT GUIDE will help you find beautiful & meaningful presents made with love, for the people you love! Take a look!

Support Irish artists this Christmas. Make sure you order ASAP to ensure delivery for the Holidays! ImageImageImageImage
Carve On designs & makes stylish leather goods in their Kildare workshop. They use the finest Italian leather & traditional Irish skills to create utterly desirable bags & goods. Visit: #MadeInIreland ImageImageImageImage
My original drawings are about joy, hope & love & celebrate the natural & subconscious worlds.

For UK & Ireland when you buy a work, you can choose a second free. Just msg me with your 2nd one to include it!

Visit:… #Christmas2020 ImageImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
Please retweet to support Irish artists

This Christmas give handmade Irish gifts to celebrate the holiday season.

Buying from these creators keeps Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic!
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit
My original drawings are about joy, hope & love & celebrate the natural & subconscious worlds.

As a Christmas gift, when you buy a work, you can choose a second free. Just message me with your 2nd one to include it in your delivery!

Read 25 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
Please retweet to support Irish artists

This Christmas give handmade Irish gifts to celebrate the holiday season.

Buying from these creators keeps Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic! ImageImageImageImage
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit ImageImageImageImage
My original drawings are about joy, hope & love & celebrate the natural & subconscious worlds.

As a Christmas gift, when you buy a work, you can choose a second free. Just message me with your 2nd one to include it in your delivery!

Visit:… ImageImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
Please retweet to support Irish artists

This Christmas give handmade Irish gifts to celebrate the holiday season.

Buying from these creators keeps Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic!
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit
My original drawings are about joy, hope & love & celebrate the natural & subconscious worlds.

As a Christmas gift, when you buy a work, you can choose a second free. Just message me with your 2nd one to include it in your delivery!

Read 25 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
Please retweet to support Irish artists

This Christmas give handmade Irish gifts to celebrate the holiday season.

Buying from these creators keeps Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic! ImageImageImageImage
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit ImageImageImageImage
My original drawings are about joy, hope & love & celebrate the natural & subconscious worlds.

As a Christmas gift, when you buy a work, you can choose a second free. Just message me with your 2nd one to include it in your delivery!

Visit:… ImageImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
Please retweet this thread to support Irish artists

This Christmas give Irish made gifts to celebrate the holiday season.

Buying from these creators keeps Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic! ImageImageImageImage
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit ImageImageImageImage
I love stained glass & Dubliner Alison Byrne of the Wildbird Studio has some stunning objects that make great presents. She draws on light, shadow, colour, form & function. Alison is a master craftswoman. Check out - you’ll be glad you did! ImageImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
Thread: This Christmas give Irish made gifts. This curated list of important Irish artists & craftspeople is the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season.

Buying from them keeps Irish art & crafts alive. Share with your followers. Give some magic!
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit
I love stained glass & Dubliner Alison Byrne of the Wildbird Studio has some stunning objects that make great presents. She draws on light, shadow, colour, form & function. Alison is a master craftswoman. Check out - you’ll be glad you did!
Read 25 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
Thread: This Christmas give locally made gifts. This curated list reflects important Irish artists & craftspeople, whose works are unique, to celebrate the holiday season.

In buying from these talented people you are helping keep Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic!
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit
I love stained glass & Dubliner Alison Byrne of the Wildbird Studio has some stunning objects that make great presents. She draws on light, shadow, colour, form & function. Alison is a master craftswoman. Check out - you’ll be glad you did!
Read 25 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
Thread: This Christmas give locally made gifts. This curated list reflects important Irish artists & craftspeople, whose works are unique, to celebrate the holiday season.

In buying from these talented people you are helping keep Irish art & crafts alive. Give some magic! ImageImageImageImage
We Make Good is Ireland’s new ethical design brand. Craftspeople from disadvantaged & minority backgrounds come together to create beautiful objects that look great & support traditional Irish crafts from tinsmithing to cabinetry. Visit ImageImageImageImage
I love stained glass & Dubliner Alison Byrne of the Wildbird Studio has some stunning objects that make great presents. She draws on light, shadow, colour, form & function. Alison is a master craftswoman. Check out - you’ll be glad you did! ImageImageImage
Read 25 tweets

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