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Mar 20th 2023
As #MoLeg returns from spring break and have vowed to undermine doctors & parents by banning gender-affirming care, I can’t stop thinking about this. MO state rep Justin Sparks is sponsoring #HB540, which bans trans healthcare. Listen to what he said at his church recently.…
There’s been a lot of discussion surrounding the timing of the whistleblower complaint and these anti-trans bills “coincidentally” getting a hearing at the same time.

Listen again. Rep. Sparks calls it “divine” and says “the lord placed the bill in his lap. #MoLeg…
As Rep Justin Sparks bans healthcare from those he deems unworthy, he states that he’s completely unqualified for this job.

“I’m not qualified to do this job. I’m not smart enough. I’m not skilled enough…”

So you’re never going to guess who directs his decisions… Yep, God.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
🧵 2 1/2 weeks ago, the Missouri House General Laws committee held a public hearing that included 3 anti-trans bills that would ban gender-affirming care for minors. These bills were wildly unpopular. The hearing, which included public testimony, went on for 9 hours. #MoLeg
Of the 3 anti-trans bills, Missourians on public record testifying against these bills outnumbered the support by hundreds:

#HB419 92 support/375 oppose
#HB463 122 suppt/385 oppose
#HB540 105 suppt/338 oppose
Keep in mind that only one side gets advanced notice of these hearings, giving them time to plan & organize, and it’s not the side that shows up. It’s the side who has the GOP supermajority in their corner.
Read 6 tweets

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