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Apr 11th 2021
Not so poetic (in fact one at all!) but here is a thread on my ordeal over last few days. Pl read n share this thread on #COVID19 #testing #healthtec and #bureaucracy . Its sad and if it could happen to me, it cld happen to anyone. You know that feeling when someone calls (1/9)
on ur cell frm the next room. It was my son n sure enough he was sick. High fever, backache. I quickly called the app company we’ve been using for Covid testing. Its called Klinik app n with a paranoid husband, travel n mom, we’ve done 20+ tests with ‘em. Many reminders (2/9)
later, by 8 pm, samples were collected frm me, Mom, Dad n son. We put Covid protocols in place n gave leave to all help etc. By night, he was throwing up and I had no choice but to attend to him. In all previous cases of using testing, v got our ‘negative’ reports in 18 hrs(3/9)
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