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Dec 25th 2019
[Dec25 #Donbas thread]

12:06 #Svitlodarsk: They're pounding like mad. Heavy guns
12:11 #Horlivka: "Heavy gun fire outgoing from us, now. The area of #Herasymenka St. Special offer 'Just Stop Shooting' [=sarcasm, one of @ZelenskyyUa's electoral narratives, what he considers as a way to 'stop the war']"
@ZelenskyyUa 12:18 #Horlivka: Can't hear it
"That's closer to Svitlodarsk, far fr/ you"
"No matter, an Akatsia'd be heard"
12:32 "That's not abt Akatsiya. Ceased so far, probably fire was returned"
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