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Jun 10th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+472 (10/06) PdS1 -Théâtre du #Donbass

L'offensive🇺🇦 terrestre Dniepr-Donetsk se poursuit

🇺🇦n'a pas percé car ses moyens sont trop dispersés sur les 500 km de front
Et une sourde inquiétude pointe sur certaines manoeuvres... Image

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez la chronique N°CDLXXI de #GuerreEnUkraine 👇


Aucun changement tactique sur les 3 secteurs de l'offensive👇

Je ne considère dans ce tableau, que les seuls progrès en termes de distance parcourue
Mais l'objectif principal de l'offensive 🇺🇦 est de détruire l'armée 🇷🇺
J'ajouterai des indicateurs en ce sens... Image
Read 13 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 16, 2022
The situation is still evolving past #Oskil river & North Donets river, as I report for the last 72h.
videos emerged today (with some delays) so it's time now to tell
#UkraineMap #CarteUkraine Image
2/ So some vid with geoloc up north on the P79 and past #Kupiansk on the East side have emerged, (actually it was already the case few days ago...) as Russians just freak out back then but Ukrainians did not wanted to push too far at that time for several obvious & good reasons. Image
3/ you can see here (coordinates 49°42'29.3"N 37°38'39.7"E) that Ukrainians were there few days ago. even the one who enjoys "tik toking" 99% of the time respect a 24h-48h delay (unless on their own territory) ImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
#Ukrainian officials confirmed that #Russian forces are using #Iranian-provided drones in #Ukraine. Read today’s update from @criticalthreats and @TheStudyofWar.… Image
#Russian forces conducted several limited ground assaults to the north, northwest, and southwest of #Donetsk City. Image
#Russian forces continued to focus on preventing #Ukrainian forces from creating conditions to resume a counteroffensive on the #Kharkiv City Axis on August 5. Image
Read 5 tweets
May 28th 2022
1/ Update Map
So #Ukraine Armed Forces launched a major offensive to liberate southern #Kherson province. Ru retreating but currently trying to hold an intermediate defensive line near #Andriivka #Lozove #Bilogirka. Maybe already gone.. one of the 3 lines of attack. Image
2/ image sat du mois dernier (1 mètre de résolution !) d'une des défenses de #Lozove.
cela ne tiendra pas longtemps. Image
3/ carte comparative 27 Mai / 29 Mai
(new line is supposed to be purple line)
Ukr are clearly aiming at the main road and the highway to cut the defense, and take the Ru forces near #KrivyiRih in a pocket. (which is "in line" with this morning report i've made, telling you Image
Read 4 tweets
May 20th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 86) - Una mañana más, aquí comienza nuestro #hilo 🧵 diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.


🟥 La situación en la zona de #Popasna ahora mismo parece ser la siguiente. Los rusos habrían alcanzado la carretera T1302 en #Soledar.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 86) - A) Dada la situación en otros puntos como #Limán o #Severodonetsk, Ucrania quizá debería sopesar un repliegue con el que conservar tropas con experiencia de cara a una futura contraofensiva, cuando llegue el grueso del material occidental.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 86) - Sin embargo, por racional que parezca, una retirada dejaría #Sloviansk y #Kramatorsk, las dos ciudades más importantes de la zona, a tiro de la artillería rusa y en riesgo, por lo que se entiende que Ucrania aguante en espera de los refuerzos.
Read 37 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
#Izyum Axis Update and ISW Map - #Russia is still actively conducting attacks actions across much of this map. Confirmed intel today that #Ukraine still controls at least some of #Rubizhne to the south and east. The #UAF is still slowly falling back towards #Severodonetsk.
#Russia is still attempting to encircle #Severodonetsk by taking the routes into the city from the NE and then using the Donets River to block SW. Our assessment is that RUAF wants to force the UAF into a pocket similar to the blue in the map below. Red is current front lines.
#Ukrainian governor of #Luhansk Oblast confirmed today that around half of #Popasna is controlled by #Russia but UAF is still contesting the city. RUAF has likely taken the city center but only barely. No discernible changes in the city today, only new confirmations of control.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
[Dec25 #Donbas thread]

12:06 #Svitlodarsk: They're pounding like mad. Heavy guns
12:11 #Horlivka: "Heavy gun fire outgoing from us, now. The area of #Herasymenka St. Special offer 'Just Stop Shooting' [=sarcasm, one of @ZelenskyyUa's electoral narratives, what he considers as a way to 'stop the war']"
@ZelenskyyUa 12:18 #Horlivka: Can't hear it
"That's closer to Svitlodarsk, far fr/ you"
"No matter, an Akatsia'd be heard"
12:32 "That's not abt Akatsiya. Ceased so far, probably fire was returned"
Read 18 tweets

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