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Sep 14th 2020
Human Rights lost !

Bangladesh Forest Dept. Modhupur Renge has been forcibly cut down the crops of the innocent tribals, including the banana orchards worth millions of Money. This incident happened today on 14/09/2020 in the morning at Pegamari village in Madhupur. ImageImageImageImage
* Assistant Commissioner of Forest Md Jamal Hossain Talukder, Ranger Abdul Ahad and local ward Awami League leader Jahangir led this heinous act.
More Images: ImageImageImageImage
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Aug 17th 2020
Human Rights Violation! Everyday the miscreants Killing the Innocent Hindus in Bangladesh!

A minority Hindu People Named Sachin Mondol (80) is dead and police find his deadbody on the hanging with tree today on 10 am August 17, 2020 at Mondol Para, of Natore District in BD. Image
(Source: Bangladesh Protidin)
Bangladeshi Media always avoid the victim's Hindu Identity:…
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Aug 6th 2020
Innocent Hindus are being killed in Bangladesh.
Muslim youth Md Enamul Haque has killed a Hindu youth Named Shri Amrita Roy, for protesting against his wife's indecency. The incident took place on August 6, 2020 at 8 am in the village of Kankra Bhangi Para in of Gabtali Upazila. Image
A gang of muslim like Mohammad Anamul Haque and others the hindu youth killed in publicly by stabbing him in the neck and chest.
Retweet for Global voice for Bangladesh Minorities persecution.
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Aug 1st 2020
After Quarbani The Muslims left the bones of cows in the Maa Magadeswari temple at Dakshin Dharmapur in Satkania upazila of CHT dist & The blood of sacrificed animal has been deliberately sprinkled on the hindu House at Rangamati of Chittagong in Bangladesh. (Date:01/08/2020) ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 29th 2020
Hindus are declining day by day in Bangladesh.
Hindus in crisis here.
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Jul 24th 2020
Muslim miscreants raped the hindu woman, killed and also cut the body of woman in Bangladesh. A minority hindu woman Anjali Rani Das (48), was hacked to death by Muslim miscreants in Faridganj area of ​​Chandpur on July 21, 2020. Police have recovered her amputated body. ImageImageImageImage
We are Bangladeshi Hindus.

The situation of Hindus in Bangladesh are deteriorating. Bangladeshi Hindus life has become painstakingly difficult.

The UN, UNHRC, HRW, AI & international community must take immediate action to stop Barbarous atrocities against Bangladeshi Hindus.
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Jul 15th 2020
#Bangladesh! A gold trader named Tapan Karmakar(45) was hacked to death by Muslims in Dohar, Dhaka. They also took away the wife of Krishna KK, the elder bro. of the slain businessman. The incident took place in East Latakhola area of ​​the upazila on Tuesday (July 14, 2020). Image
Source: Daily Kalerkantho.…
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Jul 9th 2020
A hindu women, Ruma Rani Majumder Sobha,(55) a former Vice-chairman of Mathbaria Upazila in Pirojpur dist of Bangladesh, was stabbed in the head & various parts of her body by a rival drug dealer named Ismail Hawlader on 2/07/2020. She is now fighting to death at the Hospital. ImageImageImageImage
Source in details at :…
* Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) has been investigation in the incidents and demand justice Against such a brutality.
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Jul 7th 2020
See this video that the Muslim guy forcefully grabbed the land of a 200-year-old Shiva temple belonging to an minority Hindu family (10%) & 11 % of the family land. The incident took place at Dighirjan village under Nazirpur PS in Pirojpur dist of Bangladesh on 06/07/2020.
In details read at this Newslink:…
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Jul 6th 2020
Muslim miscreants forcefully grabbed the land of a 200-year-old Shiva temple belonging to an aristocratic minority Hindu family (10%) & 11 % of the family land. The incident took place at Dighirjan village under Nazirpur PS in Pirojpur dist of Bangladesh on 06/07/2020.
* We Trying to collect the all information about this incidents.
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Jul 5th 2020
No Hindus will be left in Bangladesh after 30 years: eminent economist professor of Dhaka University Abul Barkat Sir.…
‘No Hindus will be left after 30 years’ From 1964 to 2013, around 11.3 million Hindus left Bangladesh due to religious persecution & discrimination, said Professor Abul Barkat. It means on an average 632 Hindus left the country each day and 230,612 annually.
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Jul 2nd 2020
Records of Hindu Persecution incidents in Bangladesh. (6 Month Reports published by BNHGA) In the last 6 months from January to June this year, 72 people were killed, 61 were threatened, 8 were tried, 512 were injured & injured, 25 were missing & extortion was Tk 20 lakh & so on.
This Reports Published today at 11 Am in Dhaka. Homes were vandalized & looted 155 times & property attacks were 46, businesses were attacked 35 times, 2333 acres and 6 percent were occupied, of which 1000 acres belonged to the Chak & 5 acres to the Garo tribes.
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Jun 27th 2020
Bad Morning for Bangladeshi Hindu Minorities! Yesterday Some Muslims tortured & try to killed the Hindu man Named Nirendra Chandra Mondol for grabbing land in demorpara area of Gazipur District. #HinduLivesMatterInBangladesh ImageImage
All Bangladeshi hindu lifes are in crisis...
Hindu Is unsafe now...
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Jun 14th 2020
Thank you our Hindu Brothers of USA!
The Bangladeshi Hindu Community protests against all types of minority hindu persecution in Bangladesh at Jackson Heights, New York . USA. They rise their voice for Justice for Nikhil and also #HindulivesmatterinBangladesh.
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Jun 5th 2020
About 15Muslim miscreants heinous attack on a Bangladeshi hindu Family to grab land, Trying Land grabbing at Chitalmari, Bagerhat. Hindus life has become painstakingly difficult here. Must take immediate action to stop atrocities against BD Hindus. #HinduLivesMatterInBangladesh Image
....And Family chief Harbilas Poddar's is a handicapped freedom fighter of Bangladesh Liberation war of 71. The Muslims also looted essential gold ornaments & some pocket money from the victim house.
All of family members are seriously injured due to attack.
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Jun 2nd 2020
বাংলাদেশের চট্টগ্রামের দক্ষিন কাট্টলী নামক জায়গায় একটি হিন্দু পরিবারের নারী, শিশুসহ সকলের উপর ১২জন বহিরাগত মুসলমান সন্ত্রাসীরা বর্বরোচিত হামলা করেছে৷ (২/০৬/২০২০)। এমন ঘটনা প্রতিদিনই ঘটছে বাংলাদেশে। করোনা মহামারীও বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু নির্যাতন থামাতে পারেনি। ভিডিওটি দেখুন মন দিয়ে।
এই দেখুন হিন্দু পরিবারটির একটি মেয়ের উপর নির্যাতনের অারো একটি ছবি। Image
My friends please Retweet this masses & trending it.
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May 18th 2020
Everyday Killing hindu, burning Hindu house, grabbing hindu property, raped hindu women & girls, attacking on Hindu families occurred in Bangladesh But Bangladeshi media & others is silent. A Hindu Man Mahanlal Das Hacked to death at Nasirnagar in Bangladesh by Muslim terrorists. ImageImage
* this incidents are occurred in 18 may 2020. The police found his dead body in field at Nasirnagar Upazila of Brahmanbaria dist in Bangladesh.
Source: Sanatan Tv.
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May 15th 2020
Today at morning Seriously Attacks on hindus in Bangladesh. Attackers are Muslim Local Chairman Solaiman & his brother AL. leader Shawkat Osman's cadres. They attacks on Hindus for occupying their land near Port Center, Sinhapara Kali Mandir Under Anwara Upazila of Chittagong. ImageImageImageImage
The victims are namely: Sumen Singha, Mridul Singha, Raymohun Singha & Krishnapada Singha. They are seriously injured.
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May 12th 2020
A group of Muslim miscreants vandalized Murti of the central crematorium located at Saparhat under Kaliganj PS of Lalmonirhat district of Bangladesh on the night of May 10, 2020. The Hindu community in the local area are scared to file a case with the police station. ImageImageImage
Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) has been investigation of the incidents.
Read 8 tweets

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