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Mar 3rd 2020
Thread (1/5)

I don't want to bury the lede:

@FlaDems have outregistered the @FloridaGOP in cycle to date.

The @FLSecofState released book closing numbers for the 2020 cycle to date. And for the first time we have an accurate read of registered voters in the state. #FlaPol
Thread (2/5)

All year, news outlets ran stories @FloridaGOP was out-registering @FlaDems. But they were using incomplete data.

Now, for first time, we have full picture w/ all data. Dems have a 280,000 registration edge over @FloridaGOP. It was 263,000 in 2018. #FlaPol
Thread (3/5)

This is the 1st time in nearly a decade @FlaDems have GROWN our margin over the @FloridaGOP

And we aren't stopping. With 100+ field staff and thousands of active volunteers, we are building the electorate we need to win, not accepting the one we have. #HowWeWin
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