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Jul 16th 2022
I can't believe I'm doing this.

#bkdk #kacchako #rddk #cheating #angst #betrayal #Inkoraisesnobitch

Ten minutes ago Izuku had sent a text to his boyfriend to let him know that he couldn't meet him tonight while he was decorating his boyfriend apartment for their—
6th year anniversary.

What Izuku really didn't expect was the door would open hours earlier than expected and Katsuki would pass through it desperately kissing an equally desperate Ochako.

Not waiting to get past the genkan, they began stripping off their clothes, caressing—
every bit of exposed skinrary. Without making the slightest noise, Izuku stopped what he was doing and approached the couple.

"It's always better to see it than to be told about it, right?" he said, exalting the now frightened couple.
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