Bimbola Profile picture
Jul 16, 2022 59 tweets 15 min read Read on X
I can't believe I'm doing this.

#bkdk #kacchako #rddk #cheating #angst #betrayal #Inkoraisesnobitch

Ten minutes ago Izuku had sent a text to his boyfriend to let him know that he couldn't meet him tonight while he was decorating his boyfriend apartment for their—
6th year anniversary.

What Izuku really didn't expect was the door would open hours earlier than expected and Katsuki would pass through it desperately kissing an equally desperate Ochako.

Not waiting to get past the genkan, they began stripping off their clothes, caressing—
every bit of exposed skinrary. Without making the slightest noise, Izuku stopped what he was doing and approached the couple.

"It's always better to see it than to be told about it, right?" he said, exalting the now frightened couple.
Slow, agonizing seconds passed before Katsuki tried to speak. Only for garbage to come out of his mouth.

"I-Izuku... I c-can explain" red eyes larger than usual looked at him with pain and regret. But that didn't affect Izuku.
When they started their relationship, Izuku had made it clear to him that he was never going to cry for Katsuki. It doesn't matter the reason. He wouldn't cry.

"I told you that when you felt that you didn't love me anymore, you just could break up with me." he whispered, —
passing the couple until he got to his shoes that he had hidden. "I also told you that if I had any suspicion about you, I would leave you instantly."

"Izuku, please." fixing his clothes, Katsuki let go of Ochako to try and grab Izuku's arm.
"Bakugo, this is the end of our relationship." he said to him without a trace of sadness or pain, staring at what was supposed to be his friend as she stared at the ground. "You can have it, Uraraka, you always liked my leftovers." was the last thing he said before disappearing.
The day after the fiasco, Izuku left his job at the agency where Bakugo and Uraraka also work, finding out from the regretful looks that everyone knew what had happened and some of them looking even more dejected, letting him know that they knew all a long of the affair.
He posted on his social media that he would take some vacation time, he bought a plane ticket to Otheon and left a week after organizing everything.

It was time for a new beginning.

So let me know your thoughts. It was my first time so bear with me.

I apologize in advance for any mistakes and hope you like this tiny bit for the moment.

See you soon 🤭
I really never imagined that you guys would like it so much. Thanks to one of my wives I am able to update again @DD_my_space

Without further ado, let's continue.

#bkdk #kacchako #cheating #angst #betrayal #rddk #Inkoraisesnobitches
Two years later, Izuku had returned to Japan. In those years, if Katsuki or any of his friend tried to contact him, he didn't know. What started as a place to take his well-deserved rest ended up being his new home.

He met again with Rody, who would be his best support during —
the two weeks and who had asked him to stay. And since Izuku had left his job, his parents were fine and he didn't trust anyone besides Rody and Hatsume, that was in the overseas, he agreed to stay with Rody and his little sibblings.

Rody knew everything that was going on with—
the couple. Ever since the mission they'd worked on together, they'd kept in touch. Izuku always talked on how happy the two of them were. He had known the exact moment Katsuki had confessed to Izuku, when Katsuki had started to be more attentive as the years passed until the—
current event.

Event that if they asked him directly, couldn't disagree less with Katsuki. Who in their right mind looks at Midoriya Izuku and thinks of someone else? It made no sense to him.
They both enjoyed each other's company and after a few months had begun to share the occasional intimate moment. These came slowly because even though the relationship with Katsuki had ended, he didn't want to jump into another one that quickly even if it was with Rody.
And if those who watched them from the outside thought they were a couple since the beginning and talked shit about Izuku cheating first, something that just don't make sense, even if they didn't saw each other for years and now didn't confirm anything, that was their business.
Rody and him didn't want to put a label on their relationship because they didn't really need it. While it was true that they liked and loved each other, it was nothing more than a friendship with the benefits of intimacy.

Now that they had been together for a year and an two—
months as an official couple, they had decided to go to Japan with the help of Hatsume, the only true friend he had left.

Both of them had been planning the trip for a while now, and since Roro and Lala were teenagers who can take care of themselves, Rody and Izuku could afford—
it and had time to spare, they had started planning their return. And since Izuku decided to block out all of his dearest friends and peers from his life entirely, none of them knew apart from his parents and Katsuki's parents.
Izuku wouldn't force his family to cut their relationship with the Bakugo's under any circumstances. It wasn't their fault that his son was a filthy liar.

Inko had told Izuku how Mitsuki had been crying the entire time Inko was telling her what had happened. She had begged to—
to speak to Izuku and if he decided not to speak to them again, she would agree but that she needed one last talk with him.

"Hi, auntie" Izuku said as soon as he answered the phone. Several sobs were heard from the other side. "Please don't cry."—
he begged her before adding. "It's not worth crying over what isn't your fault. It wasn't meant to be."

"Izuku, honey, forgive me" Mitsuki cried. The sound of her wailing breaking Izuku's soul.

"Everything will be fine, auntie." he tried to calm the woman but it didn't work,—
it just made her cry harder.

"How can you say that after what he's done?" she cried and there was the sound of a door closing. "//Old hag?//"

That simple question made his eyes close involuntarily.
"I'm sorry, auntie, but I can't continue talking right now. I swear I'll contact you another time."

"No, Izuku, wai-."

Although he felt dejected for Mitsuki, he would not give him a chance to hear his voice. Later, when he had settled in Japan,—
he would try to have a conversation with her in person.

Seeing that blonde hair and red eyes, albeit on more feminine features, wouldn't be easy.

Just because he didn't cry that didn't mean he didn't feel anything for him.
Although two years had passed and the initial pain was almost non-existent, he still mourn for the years of their childhood and adolescence that had been lost.

So now that he was at the airport with Rody, waiting for Yagi and his mother, he had begun to prepare himself mentally.
Walking through the landing area, a reflection of white and red caught his eye. Even if Izuku wanted to keep his distance, he couldn't help his gaze from staying on the man for a few seconds, causing Rody to also look and stand up with the intention of approaching the target.
"Hey!" Rody called jogging, causing several people to look at him except for the man who intended to speak so he tried again, "Todoroki! Hey!" Blue and gray looked back at him.

He didn't seem surprised to see them, it was the first thing Izuku noticed from a distance. As true—
as the indecipherability of Todoroki Shoto's gaze is. Years together in adolescence had taught him to look at the small changes in the features and movements of the long haired man.

Now he needed answers to that not so surprised look.

I hope you liked this update. I will work hard to continue with the story and make sense of it.

See you soon🤭
I've been sick but inspiration kick so here we are again.

#bkdk #kacchako #cheating #angst #betrayal #rddk #Inkoraisesnobitches

Todoroki approached both of them and, despite being Rody who called him, his attention was focused only on Izuku.
The time he was away had done a great job on Todoroki. His look was more mature, his body was more toned, he seemed to have grown a few centimeters and his hair was longer and more stylized.

"Midoriya" his tone of voice had changed and that neutral tone boy had also disappeared.
The relief, the hope and the affection could be noticed in that simple word that had left his lips.

"Todoroki" Izuku replied. He made no effort to continue the conversation.

"Hatsume told me you were coming back." and seeing Izuku curtly nodded, he added. "Many times I tried—
to contact you but you had blocked everyone."

"Yeah, well, I didn't want anything to do with anyone" he snapped back, "If you don't have anything else to say, I'd like to go now" this caused Rody to grimace and hold up his hands to calm him.
"Midoriya, please listen to what I have to tell you" Shoto took two steps forward and made the movement of wanting to touch Izuku's arm, to which Izuku responded by moving away from him.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" Rody suggested.
Due to the way he had called the bicolor haired man, many people were starting to whisper as they looked at them. Not only the scream had caused this reaction. They couldn't expect people not to look at two of the people who risk their lives every day to save them. And because—
neither of them wore camouflage, because they stood out even more when they did, they just walked out like everyone else.

They had long ago learned that it was not necessary. The respect that many showed them by not approaching them when they were dressed as civilians—
was enormous. But years without seeing the hero Deku after the scandal with Dynamight and Uravity, in addition to seeing the hero Shoto at the airport... People also have a limit and quickly a crowd of people was forming who began to record and take photos, if the phones pointed—
at them was an indication.

"There is a restaurant nearby with private rooms." Shoto pointed out. He was completely on board with the idea as long as Izuku talked to him. "I can call and book while we're on the way" he looked at Izuku's grimace and quickly added. "If that's okay—
with you, Midoriya."

Izuku felt cornered. In the past, he wouldn't have hesitated to go with Todoroki and spend some quality time with his friend, but even though Rody had told him that Shoto probably had no knowledge of Katsuki and Ochako's nasties, he still felt apprehensive.
He didn't want to trust any of his so called friends again without knowledge, and so because his curiosity was eating him alive, he accepted.

"With one condition." he said, looking at the man intently. His eyes devoid of any emotion.
"I'll do whatever it takes" he answered hastily. He really wanted to talk to Izuku. Two years without knowing about his dearest friend had been enough. Hatsume just informed him just a bit of Izuku's life.

"I want you to tell me the truth." he moved closer, the centimeters that—
separated them in height more evident now. "I'll know if you're lying to me" he added and turned around, leading them towards the exit as Rody and Todoroki moved in behind him, with Todoroki helping carrying the bags.
The tension of the return and the premature encounter with Todoroki had made even Rody nervous. The man with a relaxed character found himself at a loss for what to do for the first time in a long time. So he simply walked along with Todoroki, deeply wishing that the man had no—
prior knowledge of the affair, that he really was a good friend with a chance of regaining his relationship with Izuku.

As they approached the exit, the three men met Inko and Yagi face to face, at the same time a call came into Izuku's phone.
"Baby!" Inko yelled, running towards an Izuku who was also running towards her.

"Mom!" he hugged her with all the strength he knew could be used on his mother. She wasn't weak by any means but he was a pro hero after all.

"Oh my baby!" she sobbed. Tears of joy run down both of—
their faces in an almost comical way.

"And for me there are no hugs?" Yagi asked pretending to be hurt. The eight-foot-tall man looked more like a teddy bear than any real teddy bear.

Hearing this, Izuku picked up her mother, who let out a surprised gasp before being pressed—
between her two favorite men.

"I missed you so much, Dad" he sobbed this time, squeezing his mother tightly between them. She seemed a little breathless from an outsider perspective but she didn't even notice if the grin from ear to ear was anything to go by.

In the midst of—
all that happiness, Rody and Todoroki stood out, patiently waiting for the family reunion to end to say hello as well.

When the crying and hugs ended, Inko looked over her shoulder at Rody, a smile growing on her face until she saw Todoroki.
"Todoroki-san, I didn't expect to see you" her gaze had hardened. The woman who had been crying from happiness a few seconds ago was gone until left was a lioness ready to dismember for her cub.

"Midoriya-san, Toshinori-san" he greeted them, bowing to both of them respectively.
"I'm sorry for intruding on such a special day" he bowed again but this time he didn't stand up. "I came to clear things up with Midoriya"

A silent few moments passed. Time seemed to have stopped for them despite the big amount flow of people walking around them. Tortuous,—
agonizing seconds passed before he heard footsteps approaching. He felt the presence of the woman who, despite being small, radiated a height bigger than of her husband.

"Extend that to the whole family, Todoroki-san" she said without leaving room for a refusal and then turning—
around, making the man stand up.

They all looked at each other until Rody spoke, approaching his boyfriend's parents.

"Midoriya-san, Toshinori-san" before he thought about it, he had extended his hand to them and just when he was going to retract and bow, Yagi accepted it,—
squeezing him tightly before pulling him close to his chest to hug him effusively.

"How many times do we have to ask you to call us Mom and Dad?" the tall man asked, squeezing him even tighter.
"That's right, Rody, how much does it take to ask for you to accept your fate?" Inko joked, also approaching to give him a hug. "Should we wait for the wedding?" she commented to them, causing Izuku and Rody to blush.

"Oh my god, Mom!" reprimanded the man who resembled a—
strawberry with how red he had become.

The atmosphere had lightened a bit but not enough for Todoroki to lose the tension caused by Inko's gaze.

That conversation was going to be long.

We're almost reaching the heartbreaking part of the story. I don't think it's necessary to put a warning when it arrives but we'll see how it goes.

Stay hydrated and I'll see you soon.

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Jul 29, 2022

Shoto trying to reveal his relationship with Katsuki and Izuku by wearing a Dynamight hoodie along with Deku's socks. No one realizes what he had tried to do and the caption is not very helpful either.
"𝑴𝒚 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔" can and was interpreted as a simple way to promote the merch of his peers and friends.

Izuku and Katsuki saw the post, of course, and both take it upon themselves to show their thanks,—
but it's not until the notifications start coming in that it goes from "𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘥" and—
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Jul 27, 2022
#NSFW #BKDK boxing au where professional boxer Dynamight is fighting against the number one boxer around the globe, Deku. It is not just any fight, much less organized. They are simply fighting in their living room because they don't know which movie to choose,
so whoever wins chooses. But Katsuki did not imagine that they would end up with Izuku on top of him, choking him while riding him, insulting him in all the languages ​​the green-eyed beauty knows while Katsuki just take it, moaning like a bitch in heat.
Grabbing those thighs as if his life depends of it. He surely won this round even though he's the one laying on his back.
Read 4 tweets

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