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Apr 3rd 2023
The other day, a friend sent me an advert for a writing ‘camp.’ ‘Wouldn’t it be fun? we could go together!’ Camp: joining strangers at an unfamiliar place and being forced to interact. This is my hell. ‘But cool, like-minded people!’ Still nope. Why? On being an #introvert, a 🧵
My friend thought being an #introvert meant you only like socializing with people you find interesting—and as long as like-minded, it didn’t matter who or how many. That’s not introversion, though; that’s discernment and sensible curation. I, too, want interesting friends. But:
As an introvert, I want to hang with people ONE at a time. Two at once in some cases. Four is my max. And that’s even with people I know and love. I find social situations draining, not energizing. The effort that goes in is like running a long race but with no endorphin rush.
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Jan 2nd 2021
Desde el año 2011, cada 2 de enero se celebra el día mundial de los introvertidos (World Introvert Day). Ser introvertido es diferente a ser tímido. Lo resumo de una forma fácil aunque es un tema algo complejo.
Ser introvertido es sentirse vivo, feliz y capaz sin tener que interactuar mucho con otros. En mi caso, la gente que no me conoce, se sorprende que no soy conversadora (ni simpática) pero trabajo en comunicación y crisis.
Pues bueno, no soy tímida ni antisocial ni incapaz, pero si introvertida. Los introvertidos obtienen energía de su mundo interior. Por eso la importancia de fortalecerse por dentro: meditar, hacer ejercicio de respiración, leer, hacer ejercicio físico que requiera concentración.
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Aug 19th 2020
OKAY. Favorite compliment for introverts? Favorite compliment for extroverts?
“Being with you is like being by myself.” - @DrKenCarter #Introverts
“Loving you is like jumping out of an airplane again.” - @DrKenCarter #Extroverts
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