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Sep 26th 2022
#italyelections #ITAelections22 🇮🇹
A short thread
1/ Meloni reaps the benefit of being the only opposition to Draghi’s technocratic government. All the parties which supported Draghi (including Berlusconi and Northern League, now in coalition with Meloni) have lost votes.
2/ The party most vocally advocating a return to technocracy (Renzi-Calenda) has obtained a decent but modest result (much less than Monti in 2013, for ex). Draghi’s technocratic gvt was obviously less popular than what most mainstream media believed (or wanted you to believe)
3/ The winning coalition is basically the same which has already governed three times with Berlusconi. The overall result of the coalition is modest if compared with Berlusconi’s heydays. But 2/3 of coalition votes go to the far right this time. This is victory of the far right.
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