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Sep 26th 2022
#italyelections have shown a clear support for the far-right coalition, gaining 44% of the votes. Yet, the road from an electoral victory to a stable and functioning government could be long and complicated. The first test would be the drafting of the 2023 budgetary law. 1/3
This is notoriously a difficult process in Italian politics, with hard quarrels and infighting even within parties. The right coalition is rather loose and, despite the unified manifesto of large tax cuts and higher pensions, the devil's in the detail and funds allocation. 2/3
In the current economic context and energy crisis that severely limit the fiscal room for bold economic policies by new government, the temptation to delay its formation and thus push the outgoing govt. (Draghi) to set up the new budget could be fairly strong. 3/3
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Sep 26th 2022
#italyelections #ITAelections22 🇮🇹
A short thread
1/ Meloni reaps the benefit of being the only opposition to Draghi’s technocratic government. All the parties which supported Draghi (including Berlusconi and Northern League, now in coalition with Meloni) have lost votes.
2/ The party most vocally advocating a return to technocracy (Renzi-Calenda) has obtained a decent but modest result (much less than Monti in 2013, for ex). Draghi’s technocratic gvt was obviously less popular than what most mainstream media believed (or wanted you to believe)
3/ The winning coalition is basically the same which has already governed three times with Berlusconi. The overall result of the coalition is modest if compared with Berlusconi’s heydays. But 2/3 of coalition votes go to the far right this time. This is victory of the far right.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
🇮🇹 Italy holds its general election today. 51 million people are eligible to vote. Polling stations opened at 7AM (CEST) and will close at 11PM.

We will be providing full coverage over the course of the day. #Affluenza #Italia #ElezioniPolitiche2022
🇮🇹 Matteo Salvini casts his vote in Milan. #ElezioniPolitiche2022 #ItalyElections
🇮🇹 Giuseppe Conte, leader of the Five Star Movement and former PM, casts his ballot in Rome. His party aims to edge out Lega for third-place. #ElezioniPolitiche2022 #ItalyElections
Read 22 tweets
Sep 21st 2022
1/. “We know fascism is possible because it happened before”

On Sunday, #Italy looks set to elect a right-wing coalition led by the far-right Brothers of Italy (#FratellidItalia)

Giorgia Melloni, may become Italy’s first far-right leader since Mussolini…
2/. “After our victory, you can raise your heads & finally say what you always believed” #GiorgiaMeloni

Italy has seen ‘a revisionism of fascism’, fuelled by talkshows & newspapers

Some say that if Mussolini were to return, Italians would re-elect him
3/. “I think Mussolini was a good politician. Everything he did, he did it for Italy. There haven’t been politicians like him in the last 50 years”

Georgia Meloni speaking in 1996 as a 19 year-old far-right activist
#GeorgiaMeloni #italyelections #Fascism
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