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Nov 23rd 2022
Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose, one of the great Indian scientists of modern era, who came up with the first version of the radio, discovered that plants have feelings too. A genius in his own right.

Thread on his death anniversary today.
To call J.C.Bose just a scientist, would however be akin to calling, Leonardo Da Vinci a mere painter, this man was a true polymath, whose genius transcended boundaries and named by IEEE as one of the pioneers of radio science.
He also wrote science fiction in Bengali, and apart from the crescograph, invented many other instruments for research in physics and contributed to field of chronobiology. #JagdishChandraBose
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Nov 23rd 2019
They don’t make them like Jagadish Chandra Bose anymore.
The first person from the Indian subcontinent to receive a US patent, Bose was a pioneer in the field of wireless telecommunication – a field which would eventually lead to invention of the radio, TV, WiFi & cell phones.
He invented the Mercury Coherer, a radio wave receiver that was later used by Guglielmo Marconi to build the first operational transatlantic two-way radio that was capable of communicating across 2,000 miles.

And that is not the only achievement under his belt.
A physicist, botanist, and an author, Bose was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1920, becoming the first Indian to be honoured by the Royal Society in the field of science.

All this even though he was not allowed access to science labs under the British rule!
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