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Dec 13th 2018
@maischberger @HelmutMarkwort There is no doubt,@fromTGA we can achieve this! @HelmutMarkwort @focusonline also pointed out it would be a catastrophe for both,the UK&Europe if the UK left the EU. You need allies from all society groups across Europe. Citizens telling, they don't want you to leave. @julie4nw
@maischberger @HelmutMarkwort @fromTGA @focusonline @julie4nw “Vrienden, roep de Britten op om te blijven“ @AuroraBlogspot @mvanderKist @arnhemsmeisje62
Fantastic Timothy,now also in Dutch! Just found it @hanssteketee
I hope you find publishers in all EU27 countries. Maybe FOCUS could publish German version?… via @nrc
@maischberger @HelmutMarkwort @fromTGA @focusonline @julie4nw @AuroraBlogspot @mvanderKist @arnhemsmeisje62 @hanssteketee @nrc @csibike1 Your #BollockstobrexitBus has been featured by @MichaelGrytz for @tagesthemen In an interview @FrazerGoodwin pointed out that European citizens should lead the debate in #FutureofEurope Ordinary citizens often feel neglected in decisions made by politics. @mark_johnston
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