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Mar 9th 2023
Hey #CUSD! Next governing board mtg starts any minute now. Watch it live here:…
Agenda can be viewed or printed from here:…

There are no more written public comments because somehow making meetings LESS accessible was a win for… someone…? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Uhoh. Jason Olive is back. Will he know what the fuck is going on tonight or how to do his job?
Read 11 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
1/ Alright #CUSD time to address another noteworthy moment from last night’s board meeting.

Someone showed up to speak on “parent concern.”

But was that really why she was there?

Yeah. We’ll cover that…
2/ After a lengthy (and familiar-sounding) intro Kelsey shared that she was there “representing a LOT of other parents” (LOL!) concerned about…

*screeching record sound*

… CSE. 🙄
3/ Uhm, what?
No one:
Not a single person:
The agenda:
Kelsey: BUT CSE SCARES ME!!!!!!!!

Ok so Kelsey was clearly there with some bullshit. Let’s see what she really showed up for, because CSE was literally nothing being dealt with or addressed in any way, shape or form.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
Public comments now. Sorry y’all - my internet is acting up tonight.
Chandler mom opposed to 🇺🇸🧻 club at Perry - speaking on how the organization is basically a lying hate group and has actually specifically targeted the CUSD board.
Read 31 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
[I know this 🧵 is long/seemingly random. I’M BEGGING YOU: STAY THRU THE END.]

1/MtgMins: Tomorrow night the board (as part of their “routine business”) will vote to approve the minutes from the previous meeting on 9-14-22.

The minutes can be found here:
2/MtgMins: Ok in theory they can be found here:

But currently that page shows 8-24-22 as the last mtg mins posted.

That can’t be! As you can see referenced in their board policy re: minutes, the law requires they be made available within 3 working days!
3/MtgMins: I can’t even tell you how common this violation is. (But I do keep receipts when I catch them!)

Also note board policy req’s minutes not yet board approved to be marked as “draft” or “unapproved.” They even reference that on EVERY AGENDA.

So does that ever happen?
Read 29 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
They seem to be a few minutes behind. Here’s the agenda for tonight:…
Here’s the public written comments for tonight. Something seems a bit off - mixup with last meeting’s speaker cards maybe…?
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
Help me make sense of this, because right now I am desperate to be wrong.

#JasonOlive had this to say at the end of tonight’s @ChandlerUnified board meeting.

He… he asked for a copy of a board policy…?

A board member asked for a copy of a board policy so he could see it…?
I am not a board member, but I do have access to the Internet. And CUSD has a website. And their website has this on a page dedicated to their governing board, of which he is a member.

Something called “CUSD Policy Manual” - I wonder what that could be? Image
We appear to be getting warmer… and warmer… ImageImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
1/🧵Remember @ChandlerUnified’s shameful handling of the vote to amend the ASBA bylaws so that the Hispanic/Native American Caucus wouldn’t have to share a board seat, taking turns every 2 years just to have part-time representation? (A reminder 👇)
2/🧵In summary: @JoelWirth4CUSD is definitely a racist, #JasonOlive asked to table the vote b/c he didn’t have the info he needed to decide if representation matters 🙄, & Board Pres. #BarbMozdzen said it could be revisited on the 23rd. (Which didn’t happen.)
3/🧵 This sure happened though! And what was actually on the agenda? This: approving the NSBA fees for 2021.
Read 28 tweets

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