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Sep 11th 2020
Special NDPS Act court has REJECTED the Bail pleas of

Rhea Chakraborty
Showik Chakraborty
Samuel Miranda
Dipesh Sawant
Abdel Basit Parihar &
Zaid Vilatra

#RheaChakroborty #RheaChakraborthy #SushantSingRajputDeathCase
#JusticeForRhea #JusticeForSSR
Satish Maneshinde (Representing Rhea Chakraborty): Once we get a copy of the order, we will decide next week on the course of action, about approaching the Bombay High Court

#RheaChakroborty #RheaChakraborthy
#JusticeForRhea #JusticeForSSR #SatishManeshinde
Special NDPS Court rejects bail plea filed by Rhea Chakraborty, Showik Chakraborty and others

#RheaChakroborty #RheaChakraborthy
#JusticeForRhea #JusticeForSSR #SatishManeshinde…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
I am finally putting out on social media. I have quit #RepublicTV for ethical reasons. I am still under notice period but I just can't resist today to throw light upon the aggressive agenda being run by #RepublicTV to vilify #RheaChakraborty . High time I speak out!
I was taught #journalism to unearth truth. In #shushant case, I was asked to take out details of everything but not truth. As I investigated, sources close to both families agreed #Sushant was suffering from depression. Ofcourse it didn't suit #Republic agenda.
I was asked to investigate on financial angle in the case, the account details of #Rhea father was accessed, which didn't get remotely linked to the agenda of siphoning of #sushant money for their two flats. Ofcourse, this also didn't suit the agenda!
Read 7 tweets

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