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Powassun is a potentially deadly virus found in an astonishing 92% of ticks in an area of PA. This virus killed Sen Kay Hagan, but severely damaged her brain first. It is transmitted in minutes (other tick borne diseases can be, too— the 24 “rule” is bogus.)

No bite is safe.
You don’t have to be camping or hiking to get a tick bite. Deer ticks are as small a poppy seeds. I was bitten IN MY SLEEP at a beach house in NJ, almost died from ❤️ failure from #Lyme & #Bartonella.

Do tick checks, treat shoes w permethrin, shower after high-risk activiites.
Tick borne diseases are also a pandemic, found ALL OVER the US and all continents other than Antarctica. They are just not fully recognized due to many of the same politics that also drive Covid, & they cause a staggering amt of chronic, autoimmune, psych / neuro illness.
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