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Mar 25th 2022
Endorsing a genocide? How dare you @raqib_naik.

I'm a Kashmiri Hindu whose family members were killed, faced ethnocide & ethnic cleansing.

I want those terrorists that perpetrated that violence to face consequences––only them.

That is what retribution means.

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If you're a journalist & wanted clarification of my tweet, why didn't you contact me?

Instead you tweet the libelous claim that I endorse genocide of Kashmiri Muslims––many of whom are friends & neighbors––and tag hospitals where I serve people of all faiths & ethnicities.
^@HinduAmerican has shown that Naik is a consultant to @IAMCouncil & likely conspired with other groups to attack Hindu service orgs with claims they are funding genocide in India.

@raqib_naik gives us an excellent example of gaslighting that Kashmiri Hindus have long faced.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
A thread on Kashmiri Hindu Testimonials.

"Sarla Bhat was abducted on April 15th, found dead (and violated) on April 19th"

Source : A Long Dream of Home
Compiled by @siddharthagigoo and @VaradSharma
Excerpt by Indu Bhushan Zutshi

"A bullet-ridden body covered with blood"
Sarala Bhat - Thy Nation shall not forget you.

Source : A Long Dream of Home

Shikara movie : Sabh Chenga si, Koooyi problem nahi. Love stories flourished during the exodus. Kashmir was JANNATH in 1990. “NEIGHBORS HELPED EACH OTHER”.

Source : A Long Dream of Home

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