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Sep 26th 2020
Valentina was my @PeaceCorps host mother in #Ukraine in 2007. She loved life and her family, and treated me like a son. Before I married Heidi I brought her to Valentina, as my parents were already gone. Valentina died Friday in Kamchatka, Russia at 82. I am heartbroken. ImageImageImageImage
She left #Kozelets, Ukraine a few years ago after Andrey, the love of her life, passed away. The way the looked at each other and flirted, after 40 years together, brought me so much joy.

Recently she returned to her homeland of #Siberia, as if to see it one last time. Image
When I moved into their home I spoke little Russian & they spoke no English. It was a challenge but we quickly formed a bond.

She taught me how to cook, drink vodka, and which women were worth pursuing. But most importantly she loved me, an American she had no obligations to.
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