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Aug 3rd 2020
Mumbai Police deletes #DishaSaliyan File
Cooper Hospital refusal to share sushants post mortem reports
Mumbai cops not cooperating with Bihar pol n forcibly Quarantined Patna SP #VinayTiwari
Y did d Mumbai Pol hurriedly conclude it as suicide without preliminary investigation
This is greatest betrayal & negligence
Sushant’s father confirms ‘I alerted Mumbai cops on Feb 25 this year that my son's life is in danger.
Y did d mumbai pol not act on it.
If an well known personality cant b protected wher does that leave rest of us
#SushantSinghRajputCase ImageImage
Mumbai Police Com #ParamBirSingh appointed by HM Anil Deshmukh of NCP was the same man named by Col Purohit & Sadhvi Pragya for having brutally tortured them during Malegaon blast investigation under Hemant Karkare.
He also had given clean chit to Ajit Pawar
#SushantSinghRajput Image
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