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Sep 21st 2020
After getting the people of India salivating on #WhoKilledSushant they have been given a KLPD on all theories as CBI has found out that nobody apparently killed him, he took his own life and all the witch hunt launched by one mad high priest of media has been !
nothing but drug induced raving and ranting.

The web of conspiracy theories woven would put Manohar Kahaniyan to shame. Disha Salian being gang raped and thrown from her residence to Sushant Singh being ripped off his Crores became the staple of discussion
in every household as people held fort and jumped up and down even more than that Arnab Clown.

Finally, it seems there was no smoke at all so where is the question of there being a fire.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
Mumbai Police deletes #DishaSaliyan File
Cooper Hospital refusal to share sushants post mortem reports
Mumbai cops not cooperating with Bihar pol n forcibly Quarantined Patna SP #VinayTiwari
Y did d Mumbai Pol hurriedly conclude it as suicide without preliminary investigation
This is greatest betrayal & negligence
Sushant’s father confirms ‘I alerted Mumbai cops on Feb 25 this year that my son's life is in danger.
Y did d mumbai pol not act on it.
If an well known personality cant b protected wher does that leave rest of us
#SushantSinghRajputCase ImageImage
Mumbai Police Com #ParamBirSingh appointed by HM Anil Deshmukh of NCP was the same man named by Col Purohit & Sadhvi Pragya for having brutally tortured them during Malegaon blast investigation under Hemant Karkare.
He also had given clean chit to Ajit Pawar
#SushantSinghRajput Image
Read 36 tweets

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