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Sep 20th 2019
Two years ago #HurricaneMaria made landfall on Puerto Rico. We cannot forget those we lost because of that catastrophic storm & those who are still struggling to rebuild & recover.

New York will continue to help our fellow Americans. #LaIslaDelEncanto
Climate change has made our weather more extreme & storms more destructive. More than 3,000 were killed by #HurricaneMaria & countless more saw their lives devastated.

We have to do more to combat this crisis. #FridaysForFuture
Dos años atrás, el #HuracánMaría azotó a Puerto Rico. No podemos olvidar a todos los que perdieron la vida en ese catastrófico huracán, y a los muchos que aún luchan por reconstruir y recuperarse.

Nueva York seguirá ayudando a nuestros hermanos boricuas. #LaIslaDelEncanto
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