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Nov 13th 2020
I have a respiratory bug. I'm really hoping it's just the flu. But this means I've canceled 2 clinics, a med student isn't getting his training from me, and I'm behind on tasks. If this continues, I'd like to paint a picture of what it will mean to the province.
I'm 1/4 of the psychiatrists @usask student wellness, 1/2 the psychiatrists at the Operational Stress Injury Clinic, the only psychiatrist @OUTSaskatoon or doing remote clinics to #LaLoche the #AthabascaHealthAuthority and the only adult psychiatrist for #LaRonge.
I am also providing care to folks at CUMFI and @SanctumYXE 1.5. If I'm sick for a while this all goes away during that time. If I actually have COVID, then 1/6th of the neurosurgery resident team is off as a close contact. We AREN'T a big enough province to handle more cases.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
🇨🇦#Canada #FridaysForFuture International update #ClimateStrike #'s for #ClimateActionWeek:
🇨🇦1,000,000 people🇨🇦 Thus 1 out of every 6 strikers globally was Canadian🇨🇦 as well as we were 3rd globally for total # of strikes. Thanks to all local organizers & national supporters.
1000 #Calgary AB
15 #Cambridge ON
40 #Campbellton NB
20 #Camrose AB
15 #Canmore AB
15 #Cannington ON
150 #CapAuxMeules QC
300 #Caraquet NB
300 #Chambly QC
200 #ChathamKent ON
65 #Chibougamau QC
400 #Chillwack BC
40 #Clare NS
45 #Clinton ON
500 #Collingwood ON
80 #Compton QC
Read 15 tweets

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