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Aug 15th 2022
I've been working in the PM field for ten years.

Here are 20 unbreakable skills that distinguish the top 1% of product managers from the rest. And where to learn them from!

#pm #productmanagement #pmskills #product #learnPM

/ Building a product /

1. Custdev
2. Prioritization
3. UI/UX experience
4. Market research skills.
5. Ability to write tech req
6. Strategy preparation and execution
7. Fast pivoting & hypothesis validation
8. Product analytics (feature analysis, a/b, quantitative analysis)
/ Monetization /

1. Growth modeling
2. Churn optimization
3. Retention management
4. First session and activation
5. User segmentation & analisys
6. Funnel optimization (incl cohort analysis)
7. Unit economy modeling (incl LTV, CAC, P&L)
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