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Jan 6th 2020
JNU Timeline:

1. IHA, JNU brought Fee Hike circular in November.

2. JNUSU started protesting against the fee hike .

3. JNUSU started Lock Down of Schools and Centres.

4. Prof Vandana Mishra was being captive and was harassed a d tortured by JNUSU.
5. As per Academic Calender, Exams were scheduled between 14-20 dec 2019.

6. JNUSU boycotted the exams.

7. JNU Administration decided to go with alternate ways of exams I.e. online assignments, quizzes, etc. after 22nd Dec.

8. JNUSU boycotted the same.
9. While Thousands of students participated in online exams.

10.. 1-5 Jan2020, JNU called Open for semester registrations for those who have completed their academic requirements and provisional registrations to those who haven't competed their respective academic requirements
Read 7 tweets
Jan 5th 2020
This is how it started in JNU.
Hundreds of students have taken registration even after the boycot by JNUSU led by Leftwingers.
Leftwingers stopped the wifi service in #JNU on 3rd January as the administration gave the option of online registration.
On the early morning of 4th January, #JNU adminstration tried to reactivate WiFi in JNU where security staff and Leftwingers were involved in a scuffling and JNUSU President was slapped.
Read 36 tweets

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