Hundreds of students have taken registration even after the boycot by JNUSU led by Leftwingers.
His only fault was that he took registration two days back even after the boycott call given by the Left led JNUSU.…
Once common students started registering, the "boycott registration" group lost patience and chased down those who defied them.
Who were the people behind the shutdown - "boycott registration" group.
The irony is that both are not there on the spot but they are able to differentiate between RSS, ABVP and Bajrang Dal "goons".
Which ecosystem is at work ?
The threat is clear-if you defy the diktat of JNUSU, U will be thrashed.There are hundreds of such students who wants to register

#LeftAttacksJNU #LeftKillingJNU #StandWithJNU #JNUattack
#JNUattack #LeftAttacksJNU #StandWithJNU #JNUBleeds #LeftKillingJNU

Congress used the same tactics of using campuses like JNU, HCU, BHU and young guns like Hardik , Umar , Jignesh in the last three years but failed badly.