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Mar 30th 2019
1/ On 02.10.19, a 911-call was made, reporting a black man fell asleep in his car & blocked a Taco Bell's drive through. Six polices showed up, w/ guns in hands & minutes later, estimated over 25 rounds were shot & killed the black man. #LetUsLive #AB392…
2/ . The body-cam finally is released to reveal that the 6 officers was not trying figure out how wake this black man up, how to get his attention, but rather, get ready to “snatch his ass [out of the car]”, & “If he reaches for it, you know what to do”. Basically, shoot him!
3/ Full disclosure, a gun was sitting on this black’s man lap. But does that mean illegal? No. And if this man was asleep, worrying about him grabbing it before the six police officers who already have guns in their hands in ready position is reasonable? Probably not!
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