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Jun 10th 2021
#SeditionHunters - a six-person indictment today of III%ers, the first such from the Capitol attack (link). All from CA, tied to a group called the American Phoenix Project. No pics but Hostetter is shown in his local newspaper. 1/……
Suspect the 6 are @DianthaSol's #TwistedTeaPosse which includes at least one from Lake Elsinore CA. Indictment matches their appearance at the Capitol - armed, armored, angry, but slightly clownish. Former police officer is expected for 3Pers. 2/
At least one perp from the new 3Per indictment likely deserves a #SeditionVIP hashtag as a rally speaker - here's #IAmAlanHostetter on Jan 5th with VA seditionist #IAmThomasSpeciale of Vets for Trump and the Army Reserve (h/t @PotrzebieSystem) 3/ Image
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