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Nov 30th 2021
✨The Ryan Eggold & Freema Agyeman (aka Goldman aka the Co-captains of the #Sharpwin ship) Thread✨
Pictures from the first table read (of the Pilot) and first cast dinner. #AndSoItBegins

🗓️ March 7 and March 8, 2018 ImageImageImageImage
Ryan recalling the day he met Freema for the first time. #StruckByHer

🗓️ Interview from September 2018 Image
Read 315 tweets
Dec 7th 2019
This is your daily pension announcement: The war room at the Chez Meek is ready at action stations!! Here is UCP MLA Ron Orr (Ponoka) @RonOrrMLA reviewing the ATRF pension hijacking. I am going to have to go through this again... #ABLeg #ABEd…
First, I would like to commend @RonOrrMLA. He has definitely tried to dig into this complex and multifaceted issue. I am not being facetious. He has dug in deeper than most MLAs. I do need him to engage in some critical thinking and challenge Travis occasionally. #getthehistory
Ron should be concerned about re-electability. These pension changes are abusive in nature. You will please note that he does not comment on the wider changes to other public sector plans. I think police officers, fire fighters and others should communicate with Ron.
Read 29 tweets
Nov 25th 2019
1) A lesson in telling the truth

Allah orders in Suratul Hujuraat, إِن جَآءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌۢ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوٓا۟ "if a faasiq comes to you with any information, VERIFY IT."
The word فَاسِقٌۢ in the above ayat, refers to any fabricator, liar, unreliable or unrighteous person.
2) Ibn Katheer explains:
"Allah the Exalted orders investigating the news that sinners & the wicked bring, to make sure of its authenticity. Otherwise, if the sinner's word is taken for granted and a decision is based on it, regardless of whether the information is true or not,
3) ...the authorities will be taking the lead of the sinners. Allah the Exalted & Most Honored forbade taking the path of the corrupted & sinners. This is why groups of the scholars of Hadith refuse to accept narrations from narrators whose reliability is unknown,
Read 14 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
Read 507 tweets

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