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May 31st 2023
Loretta Fuddy:

Obama Birth Certificate Shocker: Evidence that Deceased Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy Was Paid Off?

Fuddy was the Health Director responsible for approving and releasing the "Certificate of Live Birth" that was sent to Barack Obama. ImageImageImageImage
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Jul 27th 2019
Loretta Fuddy was the State Health Department worker that signed off on Obama's birth certificate as legit.
This is the plane crash that killed her. I've seen toddlers on tricycles wipe out harder than this. So what really killed her is the question we need to ask. RT

Someone else posted this a year ago about the Loretta Fuddy plane crash - it DOES look like someone in scuba gear surfacing where Loretta is

#qanon #WWG1WGA #lorettafuddy #NOCOINCIDENCE
A little more on Loretta Fuddy you will find interesting.
Fuddy was a practitioner of Subud spiritualist movement, and she was the chairwoman of Subud USA's National Committee from 2006 to 2008
What is Subud?
An Indonesian cult with practitioners all over the world.
Read 6 tweets

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