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Dec 27th 2020
As we end 2020, it is a good time to look back at an explicitly unconstitutional law, which is brandished with utmost impunity. #TooMuchDemocracy?
Here are some fun facts about the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance 2020. A compilation.
Usually, police takes years to update themselves about laws. For instance, sex workers complain that police still use the Immoral Traffic (Suppression) Act of 1956 to harass them, even though the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act was passed in its place in 1986.
The UP Ordinance or #LoveJihadLaw was promulgated on Nov 28. And first case was registered within hours of its passing.
Efficiency max?
It has been a month and there are 35 arrests in a dozen FIRs
Read 16 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
There should be a Law proposed for those found guilty of converting women with "misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, allurement or by any fraudulent means" in Violation of it the person should face jail term of 1 to 5 years & a min fine of Rs.15,000
If any victim of conversion is a minor, a woman from the scheduled caste or scheduled tribe, those who converted her as said above & found guilty would have to face a jail term from 3 to 10 year, with a fine of Rs.25,000
If such conversion is found at the higher level / with an intention, then those found guilty would face jail term from 3 to 10 years, with a minimum fine of Rs.50,000.#LoveJihadLaw
Read 7 tweets
Dec 8th 2020
We are starting a thread wherein, we will keep updating whenever we come across a "grooming crime" .


We start with one of key cases:

Whatever biased-fake-liberal media might want, it is no longer hidden that grooming crimes (grooming jihad or love jihad) are a reality.

Kindly contribute by pointing out any related news.

This is purely to create awareness.

Kindly contribute by pointing out any news related to grooming crimes.

This is purely to create awareness.


This was prevented just in time,thanks to recent monitoring mechsnism
Read 5 tweets
Dec 8th 2020
Did you know grooming crimes (grooming jihad or love jihad) have been going on not only in India but even in developed countries for quite long time now !?
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BBC seems to have removed this video from their website however, the Sikh Awareness Society has preserved this. Caution: One may not bear to watch beyond a certain point.
Consider this - a developed country and it's going on since 1960s.

. Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
We do not see Priyanka and Salamat as Hindu and Muslim, rather as two grown up individuals who out of their own free will and choice are living together peacefully and happily over a year. Allahabad High Court

Read Story:
Conversion to Islam?

Allahabad High Court: "Once the alleged conversion was under clout, the Constitutional Court was obliged to ascertain the wish and desire of the girls as they were above the age of 18 years." #lovejihaad

"To disregard the choice of a person who is of the age of majority would not only be antithetic to the freedom of choice of a grown up individual but would also be a threat to the concept of unity in diversity." #lovejihaad #LoveJihadLaw
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