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Jan 16th 2021
1/ To all those that care about active transportation & safe routes to/from @VSB39 sites in @CityofVancouver.

In October, @VanDPAC sends a letter to the Trustees on what parents would like the see in the VSB #LRFP as Vales & Vision.

W/ @invancouber help, we send over:
2/ The Trustees @CarmenCho17 @janetrfraser @fishtron @awong39 @estiemgonzalez @reddyforchange @Frasergb @OliverHanson @bard1952 take it and add it to the VSB #LRFP Strategic Vision.

Parents are generally happy with this when the Strategic Vision is announced in November. Yay!
3/ This week, we see the VSB draft #LRFP & parents look for the Strategic Vision...

It's not actually in the plan...

It's an appendix...

OK; that's mighty odd but let's continue...

We do a search for sustainability & find relevance in Table 3 but only actions 4, 6, 8 & 10...
Read 16 tweets
Feb 28th 2019
1/ Last night @VanDPAC participated in the first VSB Facilities Planning Committee meeting specifically on the draft #LRFP. We mostly talked about general concerns, emphasizing the need to make sure that school communities are engaged with and cared for during this process.
2/ @VanDPAC's meeting next Thursday (March 7th) is an opportunity for parents to engage with VSB staff and trustees, and also to shape the position(s) that DPAC will take forward for when we engage in the deeper issues at the next Committee meeting and in other conversations. Image
3/ I would especially encourage parents and PAC reps from schools that are studied in the #LRFP to attend to provide their feedback, share their knowledge of how their schools are actually used, and to articulate how their schools fit into their communities.
Read 3 tweets

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