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Aug 29th 2020
My chest is not its best, so I'm back on the IVs for 2 weeks. This is what 14 days of intravenous antibiotics looks like in its constituent parts. It's been 5 & 1/2 months since I was last on IVs - a good stretch for me. I put it partly down to that sweet sweet lockdown air... ImageImage
...Remember that? Wasn't it amazing?
I'm particularly worried about our #airquality in the next couple of weeks with the return of the school run. Our government has messed up an amazing opportunity to really change public transport habits for the better, & I'm livid...
...So yeah, I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but #AirPollution kills. Please only drive if you absolutely have to. And don't ever idle your engine unnecessarily - that's a real 🍆 move. Huge thanks as always to the @NNUH staff, & everyone fighting for #cleanair
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