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Nov 10th 2021
From the BTAAB Belarus Tourism And Asylum Board

Let's talk about the suddenly popular picnic destination for Republican patriots after any fiercely successful insurrection, terrorism & failed coup d'etat

Belarus. The Eric Trump of European countries
Belarus (formerly Byelorussia) was a part of Soviet Union. A landlocked nation, roughly same size as US State of Utah, has population of 9 million

Belarus, dictatorship ruled by Lukashenko, is second poorest nation in Europe, behind just Albania

(MAGA Make Albania Great Again!)
When Vladimir Putin ran for President (after mass-murdering his own citizens, the Chechens in brutal second Chechen War), Putin promised to restore Russia's former borders of its past empire. He promised a return to 'Novorussia' (or Novorossiya)

MRGA Make Russia Great Again
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