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Jan 15th 2020
Cancel culture strikes again: #MalkinBannedInMaine…
Censors, send thnx to Keepers of the Gate @yaf @benshapiro @tpusa @umaine @ASFried @washexaminer @NYPostOpinion @thebulwark @DavidAFrench @thedailybeast @HuffPost
We WILL find a venue. Stay tuned.
@yaf @benshapiro @TPUSA @UMaine @ASFried @washexaminer @NYPostOpinion @TheBulwark @DavidAFrench @thedailybeast @HuffPost Here are all the venues/organizations that have canceled me since the launch of #openbordersinc : /2
@yaf @benshapiro @TPUSA @UMaine @ASFried @washexaminer @NYPostOpinion @TheBulwark @DavidAFrench @thedailybeast @HuffPost Almost forgot Missouri Catholic bishop Edward Rice, who forced pro-life @VitaeFoundation to disavow me over my criticism of @USCCB 's open borders racket & threatened their funding for inviting me to speak: /3…
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